Red Ruby Deviled Eggs


Red Ruby Deviled Eggs

  • Nov 18, 2021
  • By The Vineyard Vixen

Delight and dazzle your guests with these show stopping deviled eggs...

1 dozen hard-boiled eggs cooled and peeled

2 tsp Dijon mustard

2 tbsp Mayonnaise

2 tsp champagne vinegar (add more as desired)

1 tbsp finely chopped shallot

1 tbsp finely chopped parsley

Salt & pepper

Tzar Nicoulai Beet & Saffron Whitefish Roe

Prep time 15 minutes

Makes 24 servings


Cut the prepared hard-boiled eggs in half, length wise. Dipping the blade of your knife in warm water can help keep the yolk from sticking.  Taking care not to tear the egg whites, gently scoop the yolks from the egg whites into a medium mixing bowl.  Place the whites on a plate or deviled egg serving dish if you have one and set aside.  Using a fork, begin mashing the yolks until nearly smooth.  Add Dijon, mayonnaise, and vinegar.  Continue mixing until yolk mixture is smooth.  Gently fold in shallot and parsley. Then season with salt and pepper to taste. 

Spoon yolk mixture into a pastry bag fitted with medium tip. If you do not have a pastry bag, you may use a zip lock bag nipping off a corner off the bottom of the bag to squeeze the mixture through.  I suggest making the tiniest cut as you do not want the opening to be too big and its better to take off too little at first than too much. Gently pipe enough mixture into each egg white.  To avoid having those one or two eggs that do not have enough filling, I find it helpful to fill just up to the top of each egg white’s indent. Then go back around topping off each egg as desired. 

Once all eggs have been filled, top each egg with a generous dollop roe.  Serve immediately or keep chilled until ready to serve. The bright ruby red color of the Beet & Saffron will dazzle and delight your guests.

Recipe by Sarah Elliman, The Vineyard Vixen


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