Mixing the Perfect Boat Drink, Introducing The Charbay Green Tea Cooler

Culinary AdventuresEducation

Mixing the Perfect Boat Drink, Introducing The Charbay Green Tea Cooler

  • Apr 13, 2020
  • By Agent Silver Fox

With summertime coming up, we're thinking what we should have in our hand whether sitting around the pool or hanging out on the yacht.

If you are looking for something different to quench your thirst and become the talk of the party, then we've got the perfect signature cocktail for you! The Charbay Green Tea Vodka Cooler is nothing normal. First, you are going to break from the norm of reaching for your favorite bottle of Gin or Vodka and pull out the sleeper, Charbay's Green Tea Vodka. Lower in alcohol which makes this the perfect base for a porch pounder or a pitcher for the boat or beach, you'll be a rock star with little effort.


  • 2 ounces Green Tea Vodka
  • 2 ounces lemon (or lime) Juice
  • 1 ounce Simple Syrup (1 part sugar: 1 part water)
  • 1 splash Club Soda
  • Garnish: Lemon or lime wedge, sprig of fresh Mint


  1. Add 2 ounces of Charbay Green Teak Vodka to ice-filled highball glass
  2. Top with club soda
  3. Gently pour into a shaker back and forth to mix
  4. Pour back into a chilled highball glass
  5. Garnish with lemon or lime wedge, spring of fresh Mint

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